Generating reports with Jinja, LaTeX and Docker
Sharing information is a key aspect in most human activities and where reports play a role. Reports serve various purposes such as tracking our children's development at school, seeing our credit card expenses, evaluating statistics after training a machine learning model and the list goes on.
In certain situations, there is a need to generate many reports that look similar which can be a tedious task if performed manually. In this blog post I will show how to generate reports programmatically using a Python template engine called Jinja, a high-quality document preparation system called Latex and a platform called Docker used to create applications in loosely isolated environments.
The requirements list is short for this one, only docker is needed because all the code will run inside what is called a docker container, click here for extra information about how to install Docker.
Customizing a Docker image
To learn what an image is we can go the Docker documentation:
An image is a read-only template with instructions for creating a Docker container. Often, an image is based on another image, with some additional customization..."
To customize an image we use a Dockerfile:
"...A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image..."
Ok! Now we know that we need an image to create a container and to customize an image we use a Dockerfile.
To create a Dockerfile, open a new empty directory and add a new file called... you guess it! Dockerfile
(with no extension). Then add the following contents:
FROM python:3.12-alpine3.19
RUN apk update && apk add texmf-dist texlive-full
COPY requirements.txt /code/requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . /code/
ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "" ]
Let's break each line:
FROM python:3.12-alpine3.19
: as the Docker docs mentioned, an image is usually based on another image. This line does exactly that. TheFROM
instruction is used to indicate that we want to use thepython
image with the tag3.12-alpine3.19
. Which in turn it means that we want Python version 3.12 running on the Alpine Linux version 3.19 operating system.RUN apk update && apk add texmf-dist texlive-full
: this lines uses theRUN
instruction to add a new layer when building the image that executes a command that updates the references of the package repository and then installs a (La)Tex distribution called Texlive with all available tex packages.WORKDIR /code
instruction indicates the working directory inside the image during build time.COPY requirements.txt /code/requirements.txt
: we use theCOPY
instruction to get therequirements.txt
from the host computer into the docker image.RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
: adds a new layer when building the image that installs the python dependencies.COPY . /code/
: the rest of the files are copied into the image.ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "" ]
: finally, we use theENTRYPOINT
instruction to run
Now that the Dockerfile is set, we can continue by adding the files that are going to be included inside the image.
Adding the requirements
In the current directory, next to the Dockerfile, create a requirements.txt
file with the following contents:
We will use Jinja2 to render templates, Pandas for working with example data, and Matplotlib and Seaborn to create example plots. Docker will install the packages when we build the image.
As a next step let us work on the
Importing the required libraries
At the top of the file add the following imports:
import jinja2
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import call
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib
Jinja2, Seaborn and Matplotlib are external libraries that we have mentioned before. The built-in python module pathlib
is a used to work with the filesystem, in particular, the Path
class is used to represent a system path as python class. The class function from the subprocess
built-in python module is used to run commands in the terminal.
Configuring plots
To generate plots and figures that look really good, Latex uses the pgf language to specify vector graphics, to enable the backend that supports that language in matplotlib we have to add the following configuration:
"pgf.texsystem": "xelatex",
'': 'serif',
'text.usetex': True,
'pgf.rcfonts': False,
Matplotlib configuration
For extra configuration details check the matplotlib docs.
Configuring Jinja2
As a templating language, Jinja uses some specific characters to indicate where to inject text, some of those characters overlap with Latex syntax, that is why we need to add some extra configuration:
# Jinja2 configuration
latex_jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(
block_start_string = '\\BLOCK{',
block_end_string = '}',
variable_start_string = '\\VAR{',
variable_end_string = '}',
comment_start_string = '\\#{',
comment_end_string = '}',
line_statement_prefix = '%%',
line_comment_prefix = '%#',
trim_blocks = True,
autoescape = False,
loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(Path.cwd().absolute())
template = latex_jinja_env.get_template('./templates/main_template.tex')
In the code above we pass the configuration parameters to the jinja2.Environment
class constructor and then we specify the template that we want to use, the main_template.tex
file, which will be presented below.
Jinja2 Environment documentation
For extra details about what each parameter check the Jinja2 reference in the docs.
Abstracting the report structure
Before going any further, it is essential to decide how to represent the report contents as code so it can be added systematically. To avoid adding extra complexity, I will use a python dictionaries, but keep in mind that the built-in module dataclasses
, or external libraries like Pydantic can be used to achieve the same.
I will store the dictionary in a variable called content
. The content will have a title, a summary, and one or more sections. In turn, each section will contain a title and a body. The body will be comprised of parts with of one of the following types: "text", "table", "figure".
Here is how it will look like:
content = {
"title": "Some title",
"summary": "A summary",
"sections": [
"title": "First Section",
"body": [
{"text": "This is the first section"},
"title": "Second Section",
"body": [
{"text": "This is the second section."},
{"table": "<table in latex format>"},
{"figure": {
"path": "<posix path to the image file>",
"caption": "Some caption",
"label": "fig:pairplot"
The Jinja template
Now that we have an idea of how the report contents look like in Python code, I will show how it can be rendered systematically using the Jinja syntax. Here is how the template looks like:
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}
\BLOCK{ for section in content.sections }
\section{\VAR{ section.title }}
\BLOCK{ for part in section.body }
\VAR{ part.text }
\BLOCK{ if part.table }
\VAR{ part.table }
\BLOCK{ endif }
\BLOCK{ if part.figure }
\BLOCK{ endif }
\BLOCK{ endfor }
\BLOCK{ endfor }
Lines 1 to 10 are pure Latex code, the first line configures the pages lines 2 to 8 import the required packages to be able to use images, render tables, and create plots. Line 10, \begin{document}
starts the body of the document.
Next, in line 12 we have the line that contains the first Jinja2 syntax: \title{\VAR{content.title}}
, the \title{}
part is Latex and \VAR{}
indicates the that we want to use a variable with the value content.title
that comes from Python (check the variable_start_string
in the Configuring Jinja2 section).
Looking a few lines below, we stumble with the first\BLOCK
string where it says \BLOCK{ for section in content.sections }
. In this line we use a for loop to iterate over each section of the content.sections
In the next \BLOCK
a nested for loop is initiated to render each part of the section body. Then we conditionally render tables and figures using if statements with the following structure:
\BLOCK{ if <some condition> }
Some content
\BLOCK{ endif }
Finally, the for loops are ended by doing \BLOCK{ endfor }
(one for each loop) and then the latex code \end{document}
is used to finish the document.
Latex packages
You can get extra information about each latex package in the Comprehensive Tex Archive Network (CTAN) site.
Configuring the directories
Going back to the
file, let's add some directory structure configuration. The WORKDING_DIR
variable will reference a Path object where the
file is located, the OUTPUT_DIR
a reference to the outputs directory, the PLOT_DIR_PATH
to store the generated plots that will be added to the report, and finally the TEX_FILE_PATH
which is a reference to the tex file that will be generated from the template. Feel free to adapt the directory structure to your specific project.
# Directories configuration
WORKING_DIR = Path.cwd()
OUTPUT_DIR = Path.cwd().joinpath('outputs')
OUTPUT_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
PLOT_DIR_PATH = WORKING_DIR.joinpath("assets").joinpath("plots")
PLOT_DIR_PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
TEX_FILE_PATH = OUTPUT_DIR.joinpath("main.tex")
Defining some helper functions
Next, I will define some functions to assist on the task of creating the pdf. Check the docstrings for details about each function.
# Helper functions
def build_tex(content: dict):
Renders the content using the Jinja2 template and writes it to a .tex file.
with open(TEX_FILE_PATH, "w") as f:
def build_pdf():
Runs the xelatex command on the .tex file to generate the pdf file.
-interaction=batchmode is used to prevent xelatex to ask for user input.
call(["xelatex", "-interaction=batchmode", TEX_FILE_PATH])
def clean():
Moves the pdf file to the output directory
and removes the other files generated by xelatex.
file_extensions = ['log', 'pdf', 'aux']
for file in WORKING_DIR.glob('*'):
extension = file.suffix.strip('.')
if extension in file_extensions:
if extension != 'pdf':
The main program
After finishing the setup and defining the functions we can proceed to put all together to generate the report. In the same file, let's create an if block that looks like this:
if __name__ == "__main__":
This block will run only if we execute the file as a Python script, for example:
Check this excellent article about if __name__ == "__main__"
from Real Python for extra information.
- Loading example data: With this single line we will load some example data from the Seaborn package and store it in the
df = sns.load_dataset('iris')
- Adding sections: next, I'll create a variable called
and start adding some sections with the structure presented before:
content = {
"title": "Testing Latex with Jinja2 and Pandas",
"summary": "This is an example of how to use Jinja2 and Pandas to generate a Latex document.",
"sections": [
"title": "First Section",
"body": [
{"text": "This is the first section"},
"title": "Second Section",
"body": [
{"text": "This is the second section."},
- Adding tables: here is an example of how to add a table. We will take advantage of the
Pandas method to facilitate converting the pandasdataframe
to Latex in an easy manner.
"title": "Data",
"body": [
{"text": "Example of pandas table."},
{"table": df.sample(10).to_latex(
caption=("Random sample of 10 rows of the Iris dataset loaded from the seaborn Python library",
"Iris Dataset sample."),
- Adding plots: in this step I create a new Seaborn pairplot and store it in the
variable. Then, I customize the plot, use thesavefig
method to save a the plot in thepgf
format ready to be loaded by Latex. Finally, the plot is added as a new section of thecontent
# Adding a plot to the content
pairplot = sns.pairplot(df, hue='species', height=1.5)
pairplot, "lower center",
bbox_to_anchor=(0.4, 1),
"title": "Plot",
"body": [
{"text": "Example of seaborn plot."},
{"figure": {
"path": PLOT_DIR_PATH.joinpath("pairplot.pgf").relative_to(WORKING_DIR).as_posix(),
"caption": "Pairplot of the Iris dataset.",
"label": "fig:pairplot"
- Using the helper functions: once all the sections are added I called the
function passing thecontent
variable, with all the sections and metadata, as argument. That function will populate the Jinja template we fined to create thetex
file. Then thebuild_pdf
function will create the newpdf
file using the newly populatedtex
file and lastly, I called theclean
function to remove unnecessary files and move the output files to the correct directories.
Putting it all together
Before moving forward on creating the Docker image, confirm that your directory structure looks like this:
├── templates
│ └── main_template.tex
├── Dockerfile
└── requirements.txt
Also, check that the contents of the
file are the following:
import jinja2
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import call
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib
# matplotlib configuration
"pgf.texsystem": "xelatex",
'': 'serif',
'text.usetex': True,
'pgf.rcfonts': False,
# Jinja2 configuration
latex_jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(
block_start_string = '\\BLOCK{',
block_end_string = '}',
variable_start_string = '\\VAR{',
variable_end_string = '}',
comment_start_string = '\\#{',
comment_end_string = '}',
line_statement_prefix = '%%',
line_comment_prefix = '%#',
trim_blocks = True,
autoescape = False,
loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(Path.cwd().absolute())
template = latex_jinja_env.get_template('./templates/main_template.tex')
# Directories configuration
WORKING_DIR = Path.cwd()
OUTPUT_DIR = Path.cwd().joinpath('outputs')
OUTPUT_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
PLOT_DIR_PATH = WORKING_DIR.joinpath("assets").joinpath("plots")
PLOT_DIR_PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
TEX_FILE_PATH = OUTPUT_DIR.joinpath("main.tex")
# Helper functions
def build_tex(content: dict):
Renders the content using the Jinja2 template and writes it to a .tex file.
with open(TEX_FILE_PATH, "w") as f:
def build_pdf():
Runs the xelatex command on the .tex file to generate the pdf file.
-interaction=batchmode is used to prevent xelatex to ask for user input.
call(["xelatex", "-interaction=batchmode", TEX_FILE_PATH])
def clean():
Moves the pdf file to the output directory
and removes the other files generated by xelatex.
file_extensions = ['log', 'pdf', 'aux']
for file in WORKING_DIR.glob('*'):
extension = file.suffix.strip('.')
if extension in file_extensions:
if extension != 'pdf':
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load example data
df = sns.load_dataset('iris')
content = {
"title": "Testing Latex with Jinja2 and Pandas",
"summary": "This is an example of how to use Jinja2 and Pandas to generate a Latex document.",
"sections": [
"title": "First Section",
"body": [
{"text": "This is the first section"},
"title": "Second Section",
"body": [
{"text": "This is the second section."},
# Adding a table to the content
"title": "Data",
"body": [
{"text": "Example of pandas table."},
{"table": df.sample(10).to_latex(
caption=("Random sample of 10 rows of the Iris dataset loaded from the seaborn Python library",
"Iris Dataset sample."),
# Adding a plot to the content
pairplot = sns.pairplot(df, hue='species', height=1.5)
pairplot, "lower center",
bbox_to_anchor=(0.4, 1),
"title": "Plot",
"body": [
{"text": "Example of seaborn plot."},
{"figure": {
"path": PLOT_DIR_PATH.joinpath("pairplot.pgf").relative_to(WORKING_DIR).as_posix(),
"caption": "Pairplot of the Iris dataset.",
"label": "fig:pairplot"
Building the image
To tackle this step we only need to run the following command:
docker build -t jinja-latex .
We use the docker build
command to build the image. The -t
flag is used to indicate the image name and tag, in this example we are setting the name to be jinja-latex
with no tag. Finally, the dot at the and indicates that the Dockerfile should use the current directory as build context for the image.
Image size
Building the image might take a couple of minutes and have a size around 4 GB, which is due to the metapackage texlive-full. To reduce the image size I recommend reading this Gist.
Running the container
Once the image is built, navigate where the
file is on your host computer, then run the container with the following command:
docker run --rm -v "/$(pwd)://code" jinja-latex
The flag --rm
will remove the container after it finishes running since we don't need it anymore, another one can always be built from the image. The -v "/$(pwd)://code"
flag will map the current working directory on the host computer to the /code
directory inside the image. Finally, jinja-latex
instructs docker to build the container using the image with the tag jinja-latex
After a few seconds you should see an output similar to this one:
This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999995 (TeX Live 2023/Alpine Linux) (preloaded format=xelatex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
This indicates the xelatex run with no issues.
Visualizing the results
Next, check your current directory, there should be some new directories and files:
├── assets
│ └── plots
│ └── pairplot.pgf
├── outputs
│ ├── main.pdf
│ └── main.tex
Try opening the main.pdf
file, it should contain something like this:
Adding extra contents to the final pdf
A great feature is that you can edit the main.tex
file inside the outputs
directory to customize the text of the final pdf.
To use the feature we can use the followind command:
docker run -it --entrypoint //bin//bash -v "/$(pwd)://code" --name pdf-generator jinja-latex
The -it
flag is really two flags, the i
(interactive) flag and the t
(Allocate a pseudo-TTY) flag. We will use them in combination with the --entrypoint //bin//bash
to open a bash terminal and pass commands to the container. Finally, we add a name to the container with --name pdf-generator
You should see something like this on the terminal:
That indicates that the container is waiting for input.
Now we can proceed to add our changes to the main.tex
\section{Custom section added to the main.tex file}
Some custom content added to the main.tex file directly.
Then, use xelatex to build the pdf from the main.tex
xelatex -interaction=batchmode .//outputs//main.tex
Next, we can use the clean
function inside the
file to reorganize and remove the output files:
python -c 'import main; main.clean()'
After finishing using the container, exit the terminal:
And delete the container it using the command:
docker container rm pdf-generator
In this blog post I showed how you can create high quality pdf files dynamically which could be used to save a lot of time and effort when performing repetitive tasks. Using this method you can create periodic reports updating the plots and statistics really fast and even customizing the output tex file and recreating the pdf.
- Denk, T. (2019, August 12). Exporting matplotlib plots to latex. Timo Denk’s Blog.
- Erickson, B. (2015, November 24). Latex templates with python and Jinja2 to generate pdfs. Brad Erickson.
- Walton, J. (2020, March 24). Matplotlib plots for latex with PGF. It’s more fun to compute.
If you find this content useful, please consider supporting my work by buying me a coffee.
